Weather Data

This computing scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to investigate how to use different forms of technological sensors to record, monitor and present weather information and data. The class can demonstrate how to use charts and graphs to organise data that they have collected about the weather.

Investigate how to use different forms of technological sensors to record, monitor and present weather information and data

Lesson One : Weather Satellites

Explore different ways of using forms of technology to measure and forecast the weather

Lesson Two : Temperature

Practise using sensors to capture temperatures in different locations around the school

Lesson Three : Wind Speed

Investigate how to use electronic devices to measure wind speed in different locations around the school

Lesson Four : Data Logging

Collect, record and analyse different sets of data and information about what is happening in the weather

Lesson Five : Weather Graphs

Practise organising and presenting data that has been collected and stored about the weather

Lesson Six : Data Functions

Identify and record how data about the weather can be used for a range of different functions

  • Ordering and Changing

    Ordering and Changing

    Explore and record how to order three digit numbers by the place value of their digits and how the digits in a number change their numerical values when finding ten and one hundred more or less

  • Changing Hundreds

    Changing Hundreds

    Explore and record the matching number sums that are one hundred more and less than different three digit numbers to show changes to the place values of their numerical digits

  • Digit Changes

    Digit Changes

    Identify and record the matching number sums that are ten less than different three digit numbers by illustrating changes to the values of their hundreds, tens and ones digits

  • Changing Numbers

    Changing Numbers

    Identify and record number sums that are ten more than different three digit numbers using abacus diagrams to model their changing values