Lost Son

This assembly teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to explore the meaning of a parable from the Bible told by Jesus to teach his followers and give them guidance about how to forgive others.
The class can identify and describe some of the problems and dilemmas that might happen in their own families and suggest possible remedies to show forgiveness.
Download this teaching pack including an assembly plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to explore the meaning of a parable from the Bible told by Jesus to teach his followers and give them guidance about how to forgive others
Activities in this teaching pack include a shared reading text to explain the meaning of a parable from the Bible told by Jesus about forgiving others, a set of cards to identify and describe some of the different people who can make up a family and an example prayer related to the assembly about how to forgive other members of a family.
The interactive presentation gets the children to explore the meaning of a parable from the Bible told by Jesus about forgiving others.
This assembly can support development in learning how Jesus told stories as parables to his followers to offer guidance and support about how to lead good lives. There are teaching activities for shared learning and reflection and an interactive presentation to introduce concepts and key skills.
Easter Story Poems
Practise composing and publishing different types of poems that use line structures and vocabulary to illustrate scenes in the Easter story
Sand Horses
Investigate how authors illustrate characters and narrate plot events using direct speech when writing stories
School Reports
Research and write a news report using journalistic writing containing fact and opinion about a mysterious school event
Times Tables Division
Practise using facts in each of the times tables to support the division of pairs of numbers when solving a range of problems