Special Topics Teaching Resources

Discover some schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in all curriculum subjects in Key Stage Two covering a range of special days, celebrations and festivals across the school year

  • Easter Party

    Easter Party

    Explain and model how to compose sets of instructions for families to follow when preparing foods and decorations to celebrate Easter

  • School Debates

    School Debates

    Explain and model how to compose a range of discussion texts to debate and present arguments about issues that are important to life in a school

  • Valentine Gifts

    Valentine Gifts

    Investigate and practise different techniques to shape and combine materials when producing models to make gifts to give to someone special for Valentine’s Day

  • Relationships


    Compose a selection of different types of poems using figurative language and poetry styles to illustrate relationships between friends and family members

  • Christmas Rules

    Christmas Rules

    Identify and model how to structure and format sets of instructions for families and groups of friends to follow when celebrating Christmas

  • Christmas Shapes

    Christmas Shapes

    Investigate and model how to use different materials and art techniques to design and make decorations to celebrate Christmas

  • North Pole Letters

    North Pole Letters

    Identify and model how to format and structure letters correctly to and from different characters living at the North Pole

  • Festive Decorations

    Festive Decorations

    Investigate how to shape and combine different materials to produce a selection of decorations to celebrate the festive season

  • Nativity Events

    Nativity Events

    Explore and record some of the main events that occurred surrounding the birth of Jesus by composing a range of different texts to sequence and illustrate what happened

  • Christmas Tree Ornaments

    Christmas Tree Ornaments

    Investigate how to use different modelling techniques when shaping and combining materials to create Christmas tree ornaments

  • Christmas World

    Christmas World

    Explore how different countries around the world celebrate Christmas by following a range of special customs and traditions that reflect religious and secular stories

  • Christmas Shopping

    Christmas Shopping

    Practise using formal written methods for addition and multiplication to calculate the cost of buying different items to celebrate a family Christmas

  • Living Things and Habitats

    Living Things and Habitats

    Identify, group and compare some of the different plants and animals that live in a variety of habitats around the world

  • Division Measurements

    Division Measurements

    Practise solving problems using division number skills to divide measurements for length, capacity and mass using a range of matching units

  • Long Division Sums

    Long Division Sums

    Explain and model how to use standard written methods for long division to solve problems when calculating the matching quotients including with remainders

  • Sport News

    Sport News

    Practise composing and publishing news reports to describe some of the special events that can happen at sporting competitions and tournaments