Maths Teaching Resources
Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in maths for Key Stage Two covering number, geometry, measurement and statistics
Division Measurements
Practise solving problems using division number skills to divide measurements for length, capacity and mass using a range of matching units
Long Division Sums
Explain and model how to use standard written methods for long division to solve problems when calculating the matching quotients including with remainders
Number Millions
Investigate, order and compare the value of the digits that comprise different sets of numbers with up to seven digits
Number Values
Investigate and record the place value of the numerical digits in different numbers to thousands by partitioning, ordering and comparing
Recipe Ingredients
Practise finding the numbers of ingredients needed for different recipes by their expressing their ratios using division and multiplication calculations
Decimal Addition
Practise solving a range of addition problem involving decimals to one, two and three decimal places working with both mental and written calculation strategies
Addition Inverse Operations
Explain and model how to solve subtraction number problems by using addition sums as inverse operations
Calculating Angles
Record measurements and complete calculations to identify the value and type of angles found on a range of different 2D shapes
Division Calculations
Practise using the short division method to solve problems when dividing four by one digit numbers including quotients with remainders and the use of rounding to express solutions
Three Digits and Tens
Identify and record how to solve problems involving addition of three digit numbers and tens using a range of mental and informal written calculations
Subtraction Steps
Practise mental and written calculation strategies to subtract pairs of numbers with up to four digits including exchange between place value
Addition Facts
Practise and refine different techniques for addition using facts about numbers to support mental calculations including adding multiples of hundreds and tens and utilising number bonds
School Letters
Practise composing and publishing letters to different members in the school community for a range of functions and purposes
Living Things and Habitats
Identify, group and compare some of the different plants and animals that live in a variety of habitats around the world
Division Measurements
Practise solving problems using division number skills to divide measurements for length, capacity and mass using a range of matching units
Long Division Sums
Explain and model how to use standard written methods for long division to solve problems when calculating the matching quotients including with remainders