Christian Prayers

This religious education scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to investigate and record how Christians can illustrate and demonstrate their faith and beliefs through prayers. The class can write their own prayers to thank God and a member of their family for their help and support.

Investigate and record how Christians can illustrate and demonstrate their faith and beliefs through different prayers

Lesson One : Prayer Shapes

Select and design a special symbol to represent the meaning of a prayer that can be offered to God to thank him for something in the world or ask for his help to solve a problem

Lesson Two : Prayer Places

Identify and describe some of the special places that can be used by people when offering a special prayer to God

Lesson Three : Lord’s Prayer

Identify and describe the meaning of the special vocabulary words that feature in a prayer used by Christians to give thanks to God

Lesson Four : Christian Psalms

Investigate and describe the meaning of different prayers that are presented in the Bible that can be recited and followed by Christians as a guide for their lives

Lesson Five : Saying Grace

Explain and record the meaning of a prayer that is used by Christians to thank God for a special meal enjoyed by their family

Lesson Six : Family Prayers

Reflect and record how to give thanks to different members of a family by composing and reciting a prayer to God for special purposes

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