Gustav Holst

This music scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to investigate the style and structure of different compositions by a famous musician and create sounds to represent a particular place or landscape. The class can practise playing percussion instruments for matching sounds of a planet in the Solar System.

Investigate the style and structure of different compositions by a famous musician and create sounds to represent a particular place or landscape

Lesson One : World Music

Listen and respond to different musical styles from around the world that can represent cultures from ma range of countries and locations

Lesson Two : Holst’s Music

Explore the life and work of a famous music composer and learn how he composed pieces of music to represent different planets in space

Lesson Three : Soft and Loud Sounds

Select and sort a range of different percussion instruments into matching groups to compare their sounds

Lesson Four : Painting Music

Create and perform short pieces of music to match the themes and ideas expressed in a painting by a famous artist

Lesson Five : Planet Sounds

Select and create short pieces of music to represent one of the planets in the Solar System to reflect musical compositions by Gustav Holst

Lesson Six : Planet Performance

Compose and perform short pieces of music to represent one of the planets to match the musical style of the composer Gustav Holst

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