City Cafe

This design technology scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to select and combine different ingredients to design and make a range of foods that can be sold in café in a city location. The class can practise following a set of instructions to design and make some cup cakes for sale.

Select and combine different ingredients to design and make a range of foods including sandwiches and cakes that can be sold in café in a city location

Lesson One : Vegetable Soup
Select, describe and compare some of the different foods that could be used in a soup recipe that might be sold in a cafe

Lesson Two : Preparing Vegetables
Identify and model some of the different ways that can be used to prepare a range of vegetables to make and cook foods to serve in a cafe

Lesson Three : What Bread
Identify, describe and compare some of the different types of bread that can be used to make a range of sandwiches for sale in a cafe

Lesson Four : Cafe Sandwiches
Practise sequencing and following a set of instructions to make a range of sandwiches using different fillings that can be sold to customers in a cafe

Lesson Five : Cupcake Designs
Select and use a range of shapes to create different icing designs when making a selection of cupcakes to sell to customers eating in a cafe

Lesson Six : Baking Cakes
Read and follow a set of instructions to bake and decorate some different cakes that can be sold to the customers in a cafe
Sporting Poems
Practise writing poems with patterned language and rhythm structures to describe movements and actions connected to different sports and games
Food and Drink
Select powerful and descriptive vocabulary to use in poems describing different types of food and drink that can be enjoyed for a range of meals
Sea Animals
Identify, describe and compare some of the different plants and animals that can be found living in a marine habitat including in the sea or on the beach
Number Bonds to Twenty
Investigate and model how to use mental calculation techniques when working with concrete objects and diagrams to identify pairs of numbers that make sums to twenty