Animals Database

This computing scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to explore how to use a computer database to store, organise and interrogate data and information about different animals that live wild in the world. The class can explain how to find answers to key questions using a prepared database about wild animals.

Explore how to use a computer database to store, organise and interrogate data and information about different animals that live wild in the world

Lesson One : Card Database

Explore and model how to use a manual method of recording facts and information about different animals that live wild in habitats around the world

Lesson Two : Animal Search

Explain and model how to use an online database on a website to search for facts and information about wild animals that can answer different key questions

Lesson Three : Sorting Animals

Identify different ways of grouping and sorting sets of wild animals into groups using a range of matching criteria for their body parts and colours

Lesson Four : Animal Groups

Practise searching for information and facts about different wild animals in a prepared database using a range of selected criteria fields

Lesson Five : Animal Questions

Identify, describe and compare different ways of storing and retrieving facts and information about a range of wild animals using books and computers

Lesson Six : Animal Quiz

Explain and model how to search for and retrieve information from a database to answer key questions about wild animals living in habitats around the world

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