Maths Year One Planning Term Three

Discover some schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in maths for Year One in Key Stage One to teach about fractions, multiplication, division and money

(A) Counting Steps

Use concrete equipment and diagrams to record how to count in steps of two, five and ten to calculate the sums of different numbers of objects

  • Number Order

    Number Order

    Identify and record the sequence of a selection of two digit numbers by the place value of their numerical digits when representing their order using concrete equipment and diagrams

  • Number Lines

    Number Lines

    Identify and record the position of a range of two digit numbers on different sized scales that extend from zero to one hundred place values

  • Number Words and Digits

    Number Words and Digits

    Match, compare and order a range of different two digit numbers that have been written in both words and digits from the smallest to biggest values

  • Number Frames

    Number Frames

    Explain and model how to use pictorial diagrams to represent the values of different numbers to one hundred that have been listed in both words and digits