Design Technology Teaching Resources
Discover some schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in design technology in Key Stage One covering construction, materials, food, textiles and movement mechanisms
Castle Building
Explore and model some of the different shapes and techniques that can be used to construct a model of a castle showing the main parts and their functions
City Cafe
Select and combine different ingredients to design and make a range of foods including sandwiches and cakes that can be sold in café in a city location
Farm Toys
Design and make different toys that include a movement mechanism to illustrate things found and used on a farm
Select and combine different materials to design and make scarecrows for a garden to match identified success criteria
Sea Animals
Identify, describe and compare some of the different plants and animals that can be found living in a marine habitat including in the sea or on the beach
Number Bonds to Twenty
Investigate and model how to use mental calculation techniques when working with concrete objects and diagrams to identify pairs of numbers that make sums to twenty
Journeys Poems
Practise selecting powerful vocabulary words to use in poems that can describe some of the journeys made by families using different types of transport
Special Places Poems
Practise composing and presenting poems using descriptive vocabulary to illustrate some of the special places that can be found in the world