Please use the information below to find answers to any queries that you might have about subscribing to Clickprimary and using our teaching resources. If you cannot find the information that you need then please contact us so that we can help further.
Most of our teaching resources can be downloaded as zip files. You should already have an archive program or application on your device which you can use to open the zip files. If you don’t have a suitable program or application then you can download a free program to open the zip files such as using 7-Zip.
After you have opened the zip archive you will have access to all of the files needed for the scheme of work, lesson plan or classroom activity that you have downloaded. Most of the files are presented in PDF format so that they can be viewed on all devices. You should already have a PDF viewer on your device that can be used to view the files. Some of the files are presented in black and white format so that they can be easily photocopied and used by the pupils in your class.
You can also access Word documents and PowerPoint files as part of the schemes of work, lesson plans of teaching packs so that you edit some of the teaching files to match the needs of your class. We recommend using a program such as LibreOffice to edit the files although you can use any application that opens doc and ppt files.
If you have any suggestions about how a particular scheme of work, lesson plan or classroom activity can be improved then please contact us to offer your ideas for improvement.
Stone Age
Investigate and record how different aspects of life in prehistoric Britain developed and changed during the Stone Age
Investigate and record some of the special reasons as to why people built different monuments during the Stone Age in prehistoric Britain from a range of materials
Farm Toys
Design and make different toys that include a movement mechanism to illustrate things found and used on a farm
Farm Puppet
Explore how to design and make a puppet of a farmer using a movement mechanism to illustrate the matching actions of the character