How to find teaching resources to support your classroom teaching

Please use the information below to find answers to any queries that you might have about subscribing to Clickprimary and using our teaching resources. If you cannot find the information that you need then please contact us so that we can help further.

All of our schemes of work, lesson plans, teaching packs and interactive activities follow the National Curriculum for England and Wales. They can also match aspects of the Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence.There are topics and themes to match all subjects in the National Curriculum and for Religious Education.

You can click a key stage name on the menu to access a range of curriculum subjects and topics. There will be a listing of matching schemes of work, lesson plans and teaching packs on each subject or topic page. You can click on the name of a teaching resource to find out more about the activity to help you decide if it will match the needs of your class topic.

You can also enter a few key words in the search box at the top of any page to find some matching schemes of work, lesson plans and activity worksheets. Click on an entry in the search results to find more information about a teaching resource.

If you can’t find a suitable teaching resource then please contact us so that we can consider adding it to the subject and topic libraries.

  • Times Tables Division

    Times Tables Division

    Practise using facts in each of the times tables to support the division of pairs of numbers when solving a range of problems

  • Football Teams

    Football Teams

    Investigate and record how to format and structure letters that could be sent to and from football teams for different purposes and functions

  • Sporting Poems

    Sporting Poems

    Practise writing poems with patterned language and rhythm structures to describe movements and actions connected to different sports and games

  • Food and Drink

    Food and Drink

    Select powerful and descriptive vocabulary to use in poems describing different types of food and drink that can be enjoyed for a range of meals