This numeracy scheme of work for the Foundation Stage gets the children to identify, describe and compare 2D shapes by their individual properties. The class can indicate how squares, circles, triangles and rectangles are the same or different when used in a range of contexts.

Identify, describe and compare different 2D shapes by their individual shape properties including numbers of sides and corners

Lesson One : Squares

Identify and describe square shapes by their matching number of sides and corners

Lesson Two : Circles

Identify and describe different types of 2D shapes by their matching properties and create repeating patterns

Lesson Three : Rectangles

Compare and explain how rectangles are the same or different as other shapes by their individual properties

Lesson Four : Triangles

Use the properties of 2D shapes to identify examples of different sized triangles

Lesson Five : Spotting Shapes

Identify, describe, sort and compare different 2D shapes by their matching individual properties

  • Vehicles


    Identify, describe and compare some of the different journeys that can be made by bus, train or plane for a range of purposes by families

  • School Counting

    School Counting

    Explain and model how to count, order and compare the numbers of special tools and equipment that can be used when working in school lessons

  • Family Visits

    Family Visits

    Practise selecting different vocabulary words to use when completing and composing poems about family visits to different locations

  • Push and Pull

    Push and Pull

    Identify, describe and test some of the different pushing and pulling forces that can be used to move a range of objects