Less Than

Identify and record the correct number equations that can show matching sets of numbers that are less than some other numbers to ten
Identify and record the correct number equations that can show matching sets of numbers that are less than some other numbers to ten
Explain and model how to use concrete equipment and pictorial symbols to record sets of matching numbers that have values which are more than other numbers to ten
Generate and compare the value of different numbers to twenty using concrete apparatus to illustrate the place value of their numerical digits
Practise designing and making a range of signs and labels that can be used to provide information about different sports and games
Design and produce a selection of signs and labels that can be used to guide visitors around different locations that can be found in a stadium at a football match
Design and produce signs and labels that can be used to guide athletes who are competing in different sports and games at the Olympics
Plan and write a narrative story with a familiar setting about a family keeping an unusual animal as a pet
Explain and model how to edit and redraft a narrative story showing what might happen next in a story about keeping a wild animal as family pet
Practise extending a narrative story about keeping a wild animal as a pet by selecting and recording an alternative ending to the plot development and outcomes
Investigate how to use drama to storyboard some of the different things that might happen in a story about a family who are keeping a wild animal as a pet