Addition Sums Ten

Use concrete equipment, diagrams and informal calculations to identify, match and record pairs of different numbers that make sums to ten
Use concrete equipment, diagrams and informal calculations to identify, match and record pairs of different numbers that make sums to ten
Practise using concrete equipment to identify and record different pairs of numbers that sum to addition totals to ten
Identify and build a range of different number sentence equations to ten using matching pairs of numbers that have been recorded in both words and digits
Identify and record the matching pairs of different numbers that can be combined together to use when making sums to ten
Explain and model how to use concrete objects and pictorial diagrams to record matching pairs of numbers that make different sums to ten
Practise sorting different numbers of objects to ten into matching groups to identify and record each part of an addition number sum
Use concrete equipment and diagrams to model how to compare numbers within twenty by the value of their digits when recording equations using numbers and symbols
Explain and model how to use numerical digits and pictorial symbols to produce matching equations for numbers that are greater than and less than other numbers to ten
Identify and record the matching groups of numbers with numerical values that are greater than and less than some other numbers to ten
Identify and record the correct number equations that can show matching sets of numbers that are less than some other numbers to ten