English Writing Transcription Teaching Resources

Discover schemes of work, lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in writing transcription for Key Stage One for a range of phonic spellings and vocabulary words

CVC Words

Explore and illustrate the spelling and meaning of a range of different cvc words


Practise converting a range of different singular nouns into plurals using the correct spelling rules

  • Number Doubles

    Number Doubles

    Model and record how to double different numbers to twenty using concrete equipment and pictorial diagrams to support calculations

  • Zoo Animal Doubles

    Zoo Animal Doubles

    Practise doubling different numbers of animals that might be seen at a zoo recorded in words and digits to ten using diagrams and number lines to model each product

  • Doubles Facts

    Doubles Facts

    Identify, match and record the doubles of different numbers to ten using concrete equipment and repeated addition to support each multiplication number calculation

  • Tower Doubles

    Tower Doubles

    Practise counting and doubling different numbers of cubes that have been used to make a range of towers to five, ten and fifteen