This literacy scheme of work for the Foundation Stage gets the children to identify and record how to use the correct capital letters when writing the name of someone. The class can record and model how to convert lowercase into capital letters to use when writing names.


Identify and record how to use the correct capital letters to write the names of different friends who are part of one class group in the school

Teddy Bears

Practise using the correct matching capital letters of the alphabet to write the names for different toy teddy bears that someone might own

  • Division Sharing

    Division Sharing

    Identify and model how to share different numbers of objects to ten into matching groups of two using concrete equipment and pictorial diagrams

  • Vegetables


    Practise sharing different numbers of vegetables that can be bought from a greengrocers with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two

  • Farm Animals

    Farm Animals

    Practise sharing different numbers of animals that live on a farm with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two

  • Zoo Animals

    Zoo Animals

    Practise sharing different numbers of animals that live in a zoo with counted sums to ten into matching equal groups of two