City Signs

This computing scheme of work for Key Stage One gets the children to practise and refine skills in formatting and editing text in word processed documents to make different signs suitable for a range of locations in a city. The class can explain how to use the keyboard to type the text for signs matching a range of functions.

Practise and refine skills in formatting and editing text in word processed documents to make different signs suitable for a range of locations in a city

Lesson One : Shop Signs

Practise changing the size of the text that has been used in word processed documents to make a range of signs to display in different shops found in the local area

Lesson Two : Street Signs

Practise typing capital letters using a computer keyboard to produce some example signs that might be seen in a particular location in a city

Lesson Three : Road Signs

Explain and model how to use the shift key on a computer keyboard to type different punctuation marks for use in a range of road signs that can be found around a city

Lesson Four : Correcting Signs

Identify and illustrate how to use a computer keyboard to practise correcting the spelling of some of the words that have been used on different signs that might be seen in a city

Lesson Five : Sign Designs

Explain and model how to use a range of keyboard skills to create signs that can be displayed in different locations that can be found around a town or city

Lesson Six : Sign Changes

Investigate how to retrieve and edit the text that has been used for a range of different town and city location signs produced on word processed documents

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