Pancake Recipes

Shrove Tuesday provides an excellent opportunity for the children to demonstrate their grasp and understanding of different skills across the curriculum. The class can use literacy skills for instructions and persuasive language to make and sell pancakes. The children can use number calculation and measurement skills for recipes.

Pancake Instructions
Working in English, the children can practise writing sets of instructions that a family can follow to prepare and bake pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. The class can choose some unusual toppings and fillings to use on their pancakes. Get the children to compose some complicated instructions with overuse of vocabulary and verbs for someone else in the class to simplify so that the recipes are easier to follow. If you have enough adult helpers and teaching assistants then the class can work in small groups at staggered intervals during the school day to practise following their own recipes. The class could combine their completed instructions into a recipe book which can then be stored in the class library.

Pancake Posters
The children can demonstrate their vocabulary skills by getting them to design and produce posters to display in supermarkets to try and persuade shoppers to buy a new range of pancakes. The class can select some expanded noun phrases that can be used to describe the pancakes for sale. Get the children to suggest how to use persuasive language on their posters to get the shoppers to fill their baskets and trolleys with the pancakes. The class could use a publishing program on the computer to produce their pancake posters for display around the school.

Pancake Measurements
Working in maths, the children can practise their number calculations and measurement skills. Provide the class with some recipes to make a limited number of pancakes. The children can then scale up the measurements to produce enough pancakes for a whole family to eat such as multiplying the amount of flour for one pancake by six. The class can also try converting measurements for different numbers of pancake ingredients between different units of measurements such as converting amounts of sugar between grams and kilograms.

Pancake Shop
The class could also produce some of their own pancakes to sell to other classes in the school on Shrove Tuesday. Buy some prepared pancakes from a supermarket which the children could decorate with different sweets such as marshmallows or cover in different kinds of jam. The class can then work in maths to calculate the cost of making one of their pancakes for sale by dividing the cost of different ingredients. The children can work out how much profit can be made from selling each of the pancakes. You can then set up some stalls on the playground for the class to sell their pancakes. Be careful about food allergies when preparing and selling the pancakes. Any profits made can then be donated to a local charity.

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