This assembly teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to explore and reflect on different ways to show trust in other people through a story from the Bible about Jesus and his special followers.
The class can identify and describe how they might show doubt and trust towards other people through different scenarios that might happen in their lives at school and in the wider community.
Download this teaching pack including an assembly plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to explore and reflect on different ways to show trust in other people through a story from the Bible about Jesus and his special followers
Activities in this teaching pack include a shared reading text to explain the meaning of a story from the Bible about trusting others, a set of cards to identify and describe how to show trust in others through different scenarios that might happen in everyday lives and an example prayer to read a prayer related to the assembly on the theme of doubt and trust.
The interactive presentation gets the children to explore different ways to show trust in other people through a story from the Bible.
This assembly can support development in learning how the bible contains stories for Christians to follow to receive guidance about how to lead good lives. There are teaching activities for shared learning and reflection and an interactive presentation to introduce concepts and key skills.
Ordering and Changing
Explore and record how to order three digit numbers by the place value of their digits and how the digits in a number change their numerical values when finding ten and one hundred more or less
Changing Hundreds
Explore and record the matching number sums that are one hundred more and less than different three digit numbers to show changes to the place values of their numerical digits
Digit Changes
Identify and record the matching number sums that are ten less than different three digit numbers by illustrating changes to the values of their hundreds, tens and ones digits
Changing Numbers
Identify and record number sums that are ten more than different three digit numbers using abacus diagrams to model their changing values