Suffix Word Definitions

This English scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to investigate and illustrate the spellings and meanings of word roots that have been changed by the addition of different suffixes. The class can make lists of words with written definitions for a partner to match and use in example sentences.

Able and Ible Definitions

Identify, record and match the spellings and definitions of a range of different words that have been spelt with the suffixes able and ible

Cious and Tious Definitions

Identify, record and match the spellings and definitions of a range of different words that have been spelt with the suffixes cious and tious

Ant and Ent Definitions

Identify, record and match the spellings and definitions of a range of different words that have been spelt with the suffixes ant and ent

  • Ordering and Changing

    Ordering and Changing

    Explore and record how to order three digit numbers by the place value of their digits and how the digits in a number change their numerical values when finding ten and one hundred more or less

  • Changing Hundreds

    Changing Hundreds

    Explore and record the matching number sums that are one hundred more and less than different three digit numbers to show changes to the place values of their numerical digits

  • Digit Changes

    Digit Changes

    Identify and record the matching number sums that are ten less than different three digit numbers by illustrating changes to the values of their hundreds, tens and ones digits

  • Changing Numbers

    Changing Numbers

    Identify and record number sums that are ten more than different three digit numbers using abacus diagrams to model their changing values