Lesson One – Festival of Santa Lucia

This geography teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to plan and hold a school procession to explore and illustrate some of the special ways that Christmas is celebrated by families in Sweden.

The class can describe and make models and decorations to show how Swedish families celebrate Christmas in comparison to other communities around the world.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to plan and hold a school procession to explore and illustrate some of the special ways that Christmas is celebrated by families in Sweden

Activities in this teaching pack include display posters to identify and explain how the festival of Santa Lucia is celebrated in Sweden. shared reading texts to explore how the festival of Santa Lucia is marked in Sweden and learn and recite a song to celebrate the festival of Santa Lucia as part of the Swedish Christmas celebrations and a template to write and decorate of a copy of the Santa Lucia song to perform as part of a festival.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to hold a school procession to explore how Christmas is celebrated in Sweden.

This lesson is part of a geography scheme of work to get the children to explore how different countries around the world celebrate Christmas by following a range of special customs and traditions that reflect religious and secular stories. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • Number Rounding

    Number Rounding

    Practise comparing and rounding numbers to six digits to their nearest ten, hundred and thousand by utilising the place value of their digits

  • Number Lines Rules

    Number Lines Rules

    Identify and record how to complete a selection of number sequences for five and six digit numbers when counting in steps of different powers of ten

  • Rounding Number Changes

    Rounding Number Changes

    Explain and model how to round a range of different six digit numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand by the place values of their numerical digits

  • Rounding Thousands

    Rounding Thousands

    Investigate how to compare a selection of different six digit numbers by rounding them to the nearest thousand using the values of their listed numerical digits