
Discover lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Key Stage Two to teach about presenting arguments for and against different issues

  • Circus Animals

    Circus Animals

    Write a discussion text to outline some of the arguments for and against an animal welfare issue

  • Chocolate Debate

    Chocolate Debate

    Hold a class debate to identify and explain the benefits and disadvantages of eating chocolate

  • Ancient Greek Government

    Ancient Greek Government

    Explore some of the different styles of Ancient Greek government that are still used in the modern world today

  • Recycling


    Plan and compose a discussion text to illustrate and present arguments in support of recycling household waste

  • Global Warming

    Global Warming

    Write a speech to discuss some of the different ways of solving problems in the world caused by global warming

  • Traffic Pollution

    Traffic Pollution

    Identify and argue points of view about some of the dangers caused by traffic pollution in the local community

  • Tidal Power

    Tidal Power

    Write a discussion text to outline arguments for and against an environmental issue about using the power of the tide

  • Subtraction Sports
    Solve a range of number problems about different sports by subtracting pairs of three and four digit numbers
  • Garden Insects
    Practise multiplying two digit numbers by two, four and eight to calculate numbers of insects living in a garden
  • Athletics
    Develop and refine different athletic skills in running, throwing and jumping to use when performing and competing in a class athletics competition
  • Class Games
    Compete in sprinting, throwing and jumping events to develop skills and techniques in athletics