
Discover lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Key Stage One to teach about using conjunctions to link sentence clauses

  • Football Game

    Football Game

    Practise joining pairs of sentences using the conjunction and to describe a family football game at the park

  • Three Little Pigs

    Three Little Pigs

    Use the conjunction and to add an extra clause to sentences based on a traditional story

  • Santa’s Suitcase

    Santa’s Suitcase

    Use the conjunction and to link pairs of items that might be needed by Santa for different holidays

  • Firework Colours

    Firework Colours

    Practise using the conjunction and to list descriptions of firework colour shades in sentences

  • Ferry Trip

    Ferry Trip

    Identify when to use different conjunctions to link sentence clauses about travelling by ferry

  • Aeroplanes


    Practise using conjunctions to link pairs of sentence clauses about travelling by plane

  • Trains


    Practise using conjunctions to link and add clauses to sentences about about train travel

  • Travel Journeys

    Travel Journeys

    Link sentence clauses about different ways to travel using the conjunctions and and or

  • Witch’s Kitchen

    Witch’s Kitchen

    Practise using the conjunction and to co-ordinate sentence clauses about things a witch might use when making a potion

  • Potions and Spells

    Potions and Spells

    Identify how a witch might use a range of potions to cast different spells using conjunctions to link sentence clauses

  • Division Missing Numbers
    Identify and record how to complete equations to calculate quotients of numbers by two, three and five
  • Pocket Money
    Practise sharing different pocket money amounts into equal groups of two, three and five
  • Transport
    Read and respond to poems about different ways to travel using a range of transportation vehicles
  • Transport Poetry Performances
    Practise reading poems about different forms of transport using a range of voice styles and actions