Home > Special Topics > Christmas > Festive Decorations

Christmas Wall Trees

This art and design teaching pack for all year groups gets the children to practise shaping and combining a selection of different materials to produce a 3D decoration of a Christmas tree that can be displayed on the classroom wall.

The class can identify and describe some of the shapes, colours and patterns used on other decorations to use when developing their own artwork.

Download this teaching pack including display posters, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to practise shaping and combining a selection of different materials to produce a 3D decoration of a Christmas tree that can be displayed on the classroom wall

Activities in this teaching pack include a shared reading text to identify and describe how to produce a wall tree decoration, display posters to describe shapes and colours used on different Christmas decorations and templates to practise shaping a selection of different materials to produce a 3D decoration of a Christmas tree to display on the classroom wall [enlarge to A3],

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to use a selection of different materials to produce a 3D decoration of a Christmas tree to display on the classroom wall.

This lesson is part of a art and design scheme of work to get the children to investigate how to shape and combine different materials to produce a selection of decorations to celebrate the festive season. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • Angle Measurements

    Angle Measurements

    Identify, classify and record the value of different types of acute, obtuse and straight line angles using protractors

  • Angle Instructions

    Angle Instructions

    Identify and illustrate how to use a protractor correctly to measure the value of different acute angles in degrees

  • Fraction Divisions

    Fraction Divisions

    Identify, calculate and record how to divide different shapes, quantities and numbers to illustrate the fractions of halves and quarters

  • Number Quarters

    Number Quarters

    Explain and model how to use concrete objects and pictorial diagrams to calculate one quarter of different numbers that are multiples of four