Forces and Magnets

This science scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise conducting a range of fair tests to identify and compare different materials based on magnetism and friction that can occur between surfaces. The class can make games to model how different materials are magnetic.

Practise conducting a range of fair tests to identify and compare different materials based on magnetism and friction that can occur between surfaces

Lesson One : Sorting Materials

Identify, describe and record the effects of magnetism on a range of different materials to use when defining their individual properties

Lesson Two : Using Magnets

Devise and perform a scientific test to observe, record and prove how a magnetic force can attract a range of different materials

Lesson Three : Strongest Magnet

Investigate, explain and record the strength of different shaped magnets on a range of different materials to define their individual properties

Lesson Four : Magnetic Poles

Explore and record how north and south magnetic poles can produce both attraction and repelling forces when acting against each other

Lesson Five : Magnetic Force

Identify and record how magnetism can work through a range of objects made from different materials that are at a distance from the magnet

Lesson Six : Magnetic Games

Design and build a game involving magnets to explain and illustrate scientific concepts related to magnetic force and how magnets work on different materials

Lesson Seven : Push and Pull

Investigate and record some of the special ways of moving a selection of objects made from different materials using a range of forces

Lesson Eight : Friction

Conduct a test to investigate, observe and record how friction can affect the movements of objects made from a range of different materials.

Forces and Magnets Assessment

Assess abilities in conducting fair tests to identify and compare different materials based on magnetism and friction

  • Angle Measurements

    Angle Measurements

    Identify, classify and record the value of different types of acute, obtuse and straight line angles using protractors

  • Angle Instructions

    Angle Instructions

    Identify and illustrate how to use a protractor correctly to measure the value of different acute angles in degrees

  • Acute Angles

    Acute Angles

    Explain and model how to estimate and measure the value of different acute angles in degree measurements using a protractor

  • Compass Turns

    Compass Turns

    Identify and describe some of the different angles that can be produced when making turns between a range of points on a compass