Unit J – Mass Measurements
This maths scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to solve a range of problems by measuring, estimating, comparing and calculating the mass of different objects using standard measurement units. The class can practise using a range of scales to record measurements taken in grams and kilograms.
Solve problems by measuring, estimating, comparing and calculating the mass of different objects using standard measurement units
Lesson One : Kitchen Scales
Practise using kitchen scales to estimate and measure the mass of different types of foods using measurement units recorded in grams and kilograms
Lesson Two : Scale Divisions
Select and devise a set of measurement scales using grams and kilograms that can be used to measure and record the mass of a range of classroom objects
Lesson Three : Toy Measurements
Identify and model how to use and read a scale to find the mass of different toys and games using measurements recorded in grams and kilograms
Lesson Four : Mass Stories
Select and record a range of sentences to show the mass of sets of different objects using measurements for units in grams and kilograms
Ancient Greece Daily Life
Investigate the growth and development of Ancient Greece by researching daily life in different city states that formed the civilization in the past
Ancient Greeks Exhibition
Explore how to research and present different facts and information about an aspect of daily life that featured in Ancient Greece in the past
Trojan War
Investigate and record information about a significant event that happened in Ancient Greece by using journalistic writing to present the sequence of events
Athens and Sparta
Investigate, describe and compare different aspects of daily life between two city states in the past that were part of the Ancient Greek civilization