This English teaching pack for Key Stage Two gets the children to model and record how to convert a selection of paragraphs from a detective story from the first to the third person to indicate the sequence of narrative events.

The class can identify and record how to use different types of conjunctions to add extra parts to their sentences matching the style and structure of a detective story.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to model and record how to convert a selection of paragraphs from a detective story from the first to the third person to indicate the sequence of narrative events

Activities in this teaching pack include a template to write a selection of paragraphs for a detective story changing sentences from the first to the third person and a vocabulary word bank to select and use conjunctions to link sentence clauses to about what happened in a detective story written as one of the characters.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to convert a selection of paragraphs from a detective story from the first to the third person.

This lesson is part of an English scheme of work to get the children to investigate common narrative features and styles of mystery and thriller writing, learn spelling rules for adding the suffix able and practise using commas to write compound and complex sentences. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • Stone Age

    Stone Age

    Investigate and record how different aspects of life in prehistoric Britain developed and changed during the Stone Age

  • Stonehenge


    Investigate and record some of the special reasons as to why people built different monuments during the Stone Age in prehistoric Britain from a range of materials

  • Stone Age Farming

    Stone Age Farming

    Explore and record how and why people in the Stone Age began to harvest crops and started farming animals in their settlements to support their growing communities

  • Stone Age Tools

    Stone Age Tools

    Identify, describe and illustrate how people in the Stone Age in prehistoric Britain produced and used different tools for a range of functions to support their communities