Environment Debates
This English scheme of work for Key Stage Two gets the children to practise composing a selection of discussion texts to debate issues surrounding environmental concerns and protections. The class can select and use examples of persuasive language and modal verbs when arguing a point of view about an issue.
Tidal Power
Model how to write a discussion text to outline arguments for and against an environmental issue about using the power of the tide to provide a source of energy
Traffic Pollution
Identify and argue points of view to use in a class debate about some of the dangers that have been caused by traffic pollution in the local community
Global Warming
Practise writing a speech to identify and describe some of the different ways of solving problems in the world that are being caused by global warming
Recycling Debate
Plan and compose a discussion text to illustrate and present some of the arguments that are in support of recycling different forms of household waste
Climate Change
write and present a speech using discursive language with modal verbs to outline some of the consequences and problems caused by a changing climate
Number Squares
Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers
One Hundred Number Squares
Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers to one hundred
Fifty Number Squares
Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers to fifty
Twenty Number Squares
Develop and refine calculation skills for all four number operations working with different groups and pairs of numbers to twenty