Prefixes Teaching Resources

Discover lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Key Stage Two to teach about adding prefixes to word roots

  • Prefix Word Sums

    Prefix Word Sums

    Investigate, match and spell different words that are spelt with a range of prefixes

  • Stone Age

    Stone Age

    Investigate and record how different aspects of life in prehistoric Britain developed and changed during the Stone Age

  • Stonehenge


    Investigate and record some of the special reasons as to why people built different monuments during the Stone Age in prehistoric Britain from a range of materials

  • Stone Age Farming

    Stone Age Farming

    Explore and record how and why people in the Stone Age began to harvest crops and started farming animals in their settlements to support their growing communities

  • Stone Age Tools

    Stone Age Tools

    Identify, describe and illustrate how people in the Stone Age in prehistoric Britain produced and used different tools for a range of functions to support their communities