Lesson Three – Grouping Materials

This science teaching pack for Key Stage One gets the children to practise sorting a range of different materials used to make household objects into matching groups using each of the five senses.

The class can model how to make a collection of objects that can be found around the school to match a material property such as rough or smooth and hard or soft.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to practise sorting a range of different materials used to make household objects into matching groups using each of the five senses

Activities in this teaching pack include display posters to identify and describe common materials used to make chairs, a set of cards to collect and sort collected materials into groups by their matching properties and a template to identify and record the matching properties of collected materials that have been sorted into groups.

The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to sort different materials fused to make different objects into matching groups using each of the five senses.

This lesson is part of a science scheme of work to get the children to identify, group and compare a variety of everyday materials used for a range of different functions on the basis of their physical properties. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • City Cafe

    City Cafe

    Select and combine different ingredients to design and make a range of foods including sandwiches and cakes that can be sold in café in a city location

  • Baking Cakes

    Baking Cakes

    Read and follow a set of instructions to bake and decorate some different cakes that can be sold to the customers in a cafe

  • Cupcake Designs

    Cupcake Designs

    Select and use a range of shapes to create different icing designs when making a selection of cupcakes to sell to customers eating in a cafe

  • Cafe Sandwiches

    Cafe Sandwiches

    Practise sequencing and following a set of instructions to make a range of sandwiches using different fillings that can be sold to customers in a cafe