Circus Visit
This English teaching pack for Key Stage One gets the children to plan and write a personal recount describing what might happen during a family visit to a circus.
The class can identify and explain how to use time adverbials to sequence events in a recount about what happened during a visit to the circus to describe each of the acts such as clowns and acrobats.
Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to teach the children to plan and write a personal recount describing what might happen during a family visit to a circus
Activities in this teaching pack include a shared reading text to describe how to structure and format a recount of a family visit to a circus, a vocabulary word bank to support writing a recount using time adverbials to show the sequence of events and a template to sequence and order a recount of a family visit to a circus.
The interactive presentation gets the children to explore how to plan and write a recount describing what might happen during a family visit to a circus.
This lesson can support development in learning how to structure and format a recount of an experience. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and an interactive presentation to introduce concepts and key skills.
Word Spellings
Identify, match and record the spelling of words with a range of common spelling patterns to use when composing sentences on different topics
Word Spellings or
Identify, match and record the spelling of different words with the common spelling patterns of or to use when composing sentences about a class topic
Word Spellings air
Identify, match and record the spelling of different words with the common spelling patterns of air to use when composing sentences about a class topic
Word Spellings ai
Identify, match and record the spelling of different words with the common spelling patterns of ai to use when composing sentences about a class topic