Autumn Changes

This assembly teaching pack for Key Stage One gets the children to identify and describe how some of the different elements of the natural world make preparations for the winter during the autumn seasons.

The class can suggest and reflect on how they can make similar preparations in their own lives for future changes that might affect themselves and their families.

Download this teaching pack including an assembly plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to teach the children to identify and describe how some of the different elements of the natural world make preparations for the winter during the autumn seasons

Activities in this teaching pack include a set of display posters to explore how elements of the natural world make preparations for the winter during the autumn and a shared reading text to read and reflect on a prayer about how to prepare for future changes in their lives.

The interactive presentation gets the children to investigate how the animals, plants and trees can change during the autumn as they prepare for the cold winter and reflect on how they can make preparations for future changes in their own lives.

This assembly can support development in reflecting on how to prepare for changes that might occur in life. There are teaching activities for shared learning and reflection and an interactive presentation to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • Fraction Divisions

    Fraction Divisions

    Identify, calculate and record how to divide different shapes, quantities and numbers to illustrate the fractions of halves and quarters

  • Number Quarters

    Number Quarters

    Explain and model how to use concrete objects and pictorial diagrams to calculate one quarter of different numbers that are multiples of four

  • Shape Quarters

    Shape Quarters

    Practise identifying and dividing different types of shapes into four equal parts to illustrate the fraction values for quarters

  • Number Halves

    Number Halves

    Explain and model how to use concrete objects and pictorial diagrams to calculate one half of different numbers that are multiples of two and ten