Christmas English Teaching Resources

Discover lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Key Stage One to teach about using reading and writing skills on the theme of Christmas

  • Christmas Lists

    Christmas Lists

    Identify and model how to compile lists of items that might be needed for different Christmas events or experiences

  • Santa’s Holiday

    Santa’s Holiday

    Plan and write a narrative story to describe some of the different places that Santa could visit on a holiday

  • Fraction Divisions

    Fraction Divisions

    Identify, calculate and record how to divide different shapes, quantities and numbers to illustrate the fractions of halves and quarters

  • Number Quarters

    Number Quarters

    Explain and model how to use concrete objects and pictorial diagrams to calculate one quarter of different numbers that are multiples of four

  • Shape Quarters

    Shape Quarters

    Practise identifying and dividing different types of shapes into four equal parts to illustrate the fraction values for quarters

  • Number Halves

    Number Halves

    Explain and model how to use concrete objects and pictorial diagrams to calculate one half of different numbers that are multiples of two and ten