Subtraction Teaching Resources

Discover lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in maths for Key Stage One to teach about mental and written subtraction

  • Subtraction Digit Facts

    Subtraction Digit Facts

    Identify and model how to use facts about numbers to use when subtracting pairs of two and one digit numbers by counting back through the nearest model of ten

  • Farm Toys

    Farm Toys

    Design and make different toys that include a movement mechanism to illustrate things found and used on a farm

  • Farm Puppet

    Farm Puppet

    Explore how to design and make a puppet of a farmer using a movement mechanism to illustrate the matching actions of the character

  • Spinning Toy

    Spinning Toy

    Investigate how to build a model of a toy that includes rotational movements to show some of the different actions that might happen on a farm

  • Farm Animals

    Farm Animals

    Design and build a model of a toy that uses card linkages to create a range of different movements to represent actions of an animal that lives on a farm