Capital Letters Teaching Resources

Discover lesson plans, classroom worksheets and interactive activities to develop skills in English for Year One in Key Stage One to teach about writing words using capital letters

  • Favourite Food

    Favourite Food

    Compose and punctuate sentences using full stops, question marks and capital letters to describe foods eaten for different meals

  • Family Pets

    Family Pets

    Practise punctuating sentences about pets that could be owned by a family using full stops, question marks and capital letters

  • Subtraction Problems

    Subtraction Problems

    Identify and practise techniques that can be used when solving number problems related to subtraction

  • Family Hobbies

    Family Hobbies

    Solve a range of number problems about some of the special things that can be used for hobbies by subtracting pairs of single digit numbers within ten

  • Subtraction Stories

    Subtraction Stories

    Select and write number sentences to model and illustrate the meaning of a range of different subtraction problems within ten about family life

  • Kitchen Cupboards

    Kitchen Cupboards

    Identify and record number sentences that can be used to solve problems involving subtraction of single digit numbers within ten about items found in a family kitchen