Christmas Food and Drink
This literacy scheme of work for the Foundation Stage gets the children to identify, describe and compare some of the special food and drink that can be enjoyed by families at Christmas. The class can use vocabulary and make models to show how a family might enjoy and celebrate Christmas.
Christmas Vegetables
Describe and compare some of the different vegetables that can be eaten as part of a family dinner to celebrate Christmas
Christmas Dinner Table
Identify and explain how to make a range of different preparations for a family Christmas dinner including table utensils and decorations
Christmas Crackers
Explore how to design and make some special cracker decorations that can be used for a family dinner to celebrate the Christmas season
Where I Live
Explore some of the different buildings, people and locations that can be found in the school neighbourhood and the local community
Family Homes
Investigate, describe and compare some of the different types of homes found in the local area around the school environment
Home Survey
Identify, name and compare some of the different objects that can be found in a family home for a range of special functions and purposes
Family Kitchens
Identify and describe some of the different objects that can be found and used in a kitchen in a family home for a range of functions