Word Lists Letter t

This literacy teaching pack for the Foundation Stage gets the children to explore and record the spellings of cvc words with different vowel sounds that end in the same final phoneme sound for the letter t.
The class can match and lists sets of words that end with the same final phoneme sound for different cvc words and indicate their special meanings using illustrations as picture clues.
Download this teaching pack including display posters, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to explore and record the spellings of cvc words with different vowel sounds that end in the same final phoneme sound for the letter t
Activities in this teaching pack include display posters to explore the spelling and meaning of different words ending in the letter t, a set of cards to match cvc words with the final sound for the letter t with different vowel sounds and worksheets to record the sequence of letters and meaning of cvc words that end in the final phoneme sound for the letter t.
The interactive presentation gets the children to explore the spellings of cvc words with different vowel sounds that end in the same final phoneme sound for the letter t
This lesson is part of a literacy scheme of work to get the children to identify, match and record the spellings of cvc words that end in the same phoneme sounds for different letters of the alphabet. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.
Alphabet Mazes
Practise identifying and recording the formation of each of the letters in the alphabet by completing and devising different puzzles
Alphabet Maze Letter h
Identify and record the formation of the letter h in the alphabet by completing a puzzle to show the correct path through a maze of different letters
Alphabet Maze Letter g
Identify and record the formation of the letter g in the alphabet by completing a puzzle to show the correct path through a maze of different letters
Alphabet Maze Letter f
Identify and record the formation of the letter f in the alphabet by completing a puzzle to show the correct path through a maze of different letters