Lesson Two – Tree Leaves

This curriculum topic teaching pack for the Foundation Stage gets the children to identify and describe some of the different shapes and patterns that can be seen on leaves that have fallen from trees in the autumn.

The class can select and define special vocabulary words that can be used to different different leaves collected from around the school grounds in the autumn.

Download this teaching pack including a lesson plan, classroom activities and an interactive presentation to teach the children to identify and describe some of the different shapes and patterns that can be seen on leaves that have fallen from trees in the autumn

Activities in this teaching pack include a set of display posters to identify and define vocabulary that can be used to describe the shape and size of different leaves and a template to record information about a leaf collected from the school grounds.

The interactive presentation gets the children to select special vocabulary words that can be used to describe the size and shape of leaves found on trees around the school grounds and suggest how they can change during the autumn season.

This lesson is part of a curriculum topic scheme of work to get the children to investigate changes to different trees during the autumn and explore how this affects animals that live in a woodland habitat including owls and squirrels. There are teaching activities for shared learning, differentiated worksheets to support independent learning and interactive presentations to introduce concepts and key skills.

  • What Homes

    What Homes

    Locate, describe and compare the range of different type of homes that can be found in the school neighbourhood

  • What Buildings

    What Buildings

    Identify and describe the functions of some of the different types of buildings that can be found in the local area close to the school

  • Addition


    Practise adding pairs of one digit numbers by using counting on from the biggest number working with concrete equipment and diagrams to support calculations

  • Number Sentences

    Number Sentences

    Identify and record sets of matching number sentences to show how to add pairs of single digit numbers to make different sums to ten