
Home : Key Stage One : Art and Design

Garden Flowers

This art and design scheme of work for Years One and Two in Key Stage One gets the children to develop and refine skills in representing different types of flowers grown in a garden by using a range of painting techniques. The class can try replicating artwork by significant artists to develop their painting skills.

Develop and refine skills in representing different types of flowers grown in a garden by using a range of painting techniques

Lesson One : Fruit Colours

Investigate and record some of the shades of colours that have been used in different pieces of art

Lesson Two : Fruit Shapes

Explore some of the shapes and patterns used in different still life paintings depicting pieces of fruit

Lesson Three : Flower Colours

Practise using pastels to record the colour shades seen in different flowers found around the school grounds

Lesson Four : Sunflowers

Explore and record some of the different colours, shapes and patterns used in a painting of some flowers by a famous artist

Lesson Five : Flower Vase

Produce a still life drawing of a vase of flowers as preparation for creating a full painting

Lesson Six : Flower Painting

Select and utilise a range of colour shades to create a still life painting of a vase of flowers

  • Digraphs Word Sums cl
    Identify and spell different vocabulary words that begin with the consonant digraph cl
  • Digraphs Word Sums ch
    Identify and spell different vocabulary words that begin with the consonant digraph ch
  • Dragons
    Select descriptive vocabulary to use when writing poems that play with language to describe different parts of a dragon
  • Poem Changes
    Review and edit a poem about a dragon selecting more effective descriptive vocabulary for each part of the creature